Morning everyone, I mean good evening when you all start to read this! Welcome to
Tea Talk Tuesday, Tea talk isn't to special, I'm pretty much just drinking hot tea and ranting or talking about an interesting topic! Lets talk sharing opinions: Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yes that's how this world goes round. Not everyone is going to agree with you, or everyone in this world would all be best friends frolicking through the fields!

Some people are mean, some nice, and some just plain stupid when giving their opinions. What I mean to say is the way people speak their opinions are either mean, which means they are blunt but they have a mean way of saying it, they do in fact know what they are saying. The nice people who are still blunt and know what they are saying but they come up with a kind way of saying. Finally the people who speak their minds without thinking first, they are the ones that just let crap come out of their mouths (excuse my language)! See right there that's my opinion of people giving opinions and most of you might not agree with me, but that's okay because that's my opinion of people opinions. Man that was a tongue twister to read I bet hehehe.

"Not every person is going to understand you and that's okay. They have a right to their own opinion and you have every right to ignore it" ~Joel Osteen~
I would consider myself in the middle of mean and nice when giving my opinions to other people, because I can be very blunt at times, well all the time and also most of the time at the end i'll either apologies if I was to to blunt or just say "well that's my opinion, hope that helped". I really try not to be mean, just sometimes some things needs to be said to some people.

The worst is when you ask advice from someone and they give you their thoughts and opinions on it, and you completely HATE and DISAGREE with what they have to say! and it make you regret asking for their advice to begin with. If your anything like me, you'll then feel stupid for asking and shut down. Okay now lets get personal, truth is, the reason why I'm always scared to tell people things is because half the time they don't get it, duhhh they don't get it they aren't walking in my shoes, but also I don't want to hear their opinions that I'm "crazy" "lying" "attention whore" "safe" "afraid". In the end ill be the girl who was too "afraid". SCRATCH THAT, I really need to learn to IGNORE some peoples opinions, and everyone else who has this problem, you have the power to ignore them SO DO IT!

Okay everyone! This was just my point of view with opinions, yes you may disagree but throughout the years this is what I needed to come out and say. This could change in 10 years but for now this is how I feel! Now I'm going to finish my tea, watch some Netflix and listen to the rain! so relaxing.
You all are amazing remember that! Until next time.
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