Two months ago on Easter Sunday, I decided I was going to change my life forever, and for real this time, so I ate a huge slice of my Aunt's strawberry shortcake, got a Micky D's Sweet tea(So good) and that next day which was Monday began day one of this LONG journey, I wanted to embark on. Week 9 begins today June 16th and man its been hard, here's a mini timeline of how I ate.
week 1- Transition period(cutting down on bread, bad chocolate)
week 2- NO SNACK(strict meals)
week 3 -NO SNACK(strict meals)

week 5- NO SNACK(strict meals) Red meat once during the week!
week 6- NO SNACK(strict meals) Red meat once during the week!
week 7- Bring in one snack, LOTS OF FRUIT
week 8- Bringing more grains into diet at least 3 meals a week
week 9- Dark chocolate as a snack 3 times a week (85% cocoa or higher)
Now after reading that I bet you all think I have deprived myself for the last 2 months, well the truth is I haven't! I LOVE the food I'm eating and yes sometimes I do want that brownie, but then I think about it for a minute and realize my mind hasn't been this free in a long time, so ill keep giving up those sweets for a clear mind, plus I eat TONS of sweet fruit so I consider that my "candy". Honey dew and watermelon are my current fruit obsessions, but I also eat pineapple because its a great source of vitamin c, and also really good for your skin! Oh and grapes are amazing, but always so expensive. As you can tell I love fruit, I consider it my fast food, because whenever I eat out its either fruit or fruit. I've only eaten out like twice in the last two months and I got a small salad, that impressive for me because I use to love eating out!
I gave up bread, ahhhh I did what. Yes you did hear me correctly I gave it up, but to make up for not eating bread, I have to find other healthy grains to eat like Brown rice, Oatmeal, and I really wanna try Quinoa! I legit have to force myself to eat all this, but its okay its what the body needs. If you were to ask me TODAY if I missed eating bread? Well my answer would have to be no because since giving it up, I haven't gotten a really bad migraines or headaches(Knock on wood) I mean I get little headaches but that's usually caused by stress or my blood pressure going up to high! In the end ill give up ANYTHING to not get migraines like I use to, and people might think I'm crazy but those are usually the people that don't believe me that I even get migraines. The migraines i use to get I couldn't move, eat, talk, I was practically paralyzed and everything I took didn't work, but hey that's another story for a different time! But I can say this, I sometime miss Panera's bread,OMG YES I WILL ALWAYS LOVE THEIR BREAD!

Also when I hit one month I ended up pulling a back muscle, and it lasted about 3 weeks. That must have been the longest 3 weeks of my life, NO GYM, only eating healthy! That's when I was really put to the test, because last year when my knee injure came back, I went off the deep end and didn't care what I ate. This time with my back I was a good girl and ate all the right food, stretched, and got a massage(which helped out alot!) Now I'm on my last few days before I get back to the gym!

1. Write down EVERYTHING you eat(even if you cheat)
2. Drink LOTS of water(I drink lemon water)
3. Learn to love tea
4. Eat small meals throughout the day
5. Don't fry food
6. coconut butter(better than that fake stuff)
8. Start walking( Having a walking buddy is the best)
9. Less sugar

Oh and ill post an update picture at 6 months(4 months away):)
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