Sometimes I feel older then I really am, which is funny because everyone new I meet thinks I'm younger then 20! I'm learning to not let it bother me because in the long run, hopefully ill still look young and good as my Mother does at her age! But don't worry guys I still love myself, its just sometimes I get annoyed with the whole "Looking young" thing!
Now lets get to the real topic for today! This is one of my favorite things to do each week, FOOOOOD SHOPPING! Yes I can honestly say that food shopping is one thing I look forward to during the week, usually its always on a Sunday because by then I'm living off scraps, literary. What can I say, its one of the few things I do during the week that relaxes me! But this week on the other hand I rushed, Oh wait here comes "STORY TIME", Well we had to take my Mom to the airport at 4am, and when I say we I mean Lexis, I just came along for the ride! But anyways my Mom's going to Colorado for a week, I'm super jealous! Not much of a story, but it need to be told!

I decided to do my Sunday food shopping at 8:00am at shop rite, and let me just tell you one thing I learned with food shopping on Sunday morning real early , PEOPLE ARE ANIMALS! But me I just stroll around each aisle like no one is there and acting all happy! This week though, I wasn't, it took me about 15mins to get everything I needed and pay. Yes I was one of those animals, I even almost ran into 4 different people, one lady I almost hit twice but that was a good thing because we had a lovely 2 minute conversation! Then I bought some Eco friendly bags and I was on my way off to my Dads truck. When I got home I was like "ahhhhhh"

Food shopping can be really easy, If you bulk up on certain foods then it will be faster to do you food shopping the next few weeks trust me! I bulk up on protein bars, peanutbutter,and water, then all I have to have to buy each week is what I call "BASICS" and the basics for me are some sort of meat(usually some form of chicken), EGGS, Lemons,Veggies, 2 kinds of fruit (pineapple and whatever's in season), Yogurt, Almond milk, and 2 Gatorade for the week! I don't like to buy snacks because if I have them i'll want to eat them. I really love having a set meal plan, so I don't have to worry about deciding what I want to cook. Other people may find it boring I find it curing my body from what I use to eat.....NASTY!
Well my time has come to end another post! I hope this some how helps you with your food shopping and that you learned its good to bulk up on some products! Question of the day!! Do you enjoy food shopping, or do you dread it?
Until next time my friends!
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