Hello my Lovely new friends.....I started a blog, wow am i really saying this right now "I STARTED A BLOG" there thats better! well here's the scoop i need a new way to vent, and change peoples lives so why not!! Im here to talk about MY life to share the problems I go through on a day to day basis. Recipes,FITNESS, Girl talk, Drama,Anxiety ,Quotes, Tips& Tricks and so on.
"All things are possible for those who believe"
Now let me kind of give you an overview on my life in 9 words, I'm a girl who doesn't fit into this world... now i know a lot of you feel this way but i haven't met anyone like me yet.Your now probably wondering "How don't you fit in?!?" well there's a lot of reasons and throughout all my posts you will soon find out!

Now For the reason why im starting this blog 7 weeks ago i went on a lifestyle change, and its the best thing i could ever do for my life, yes i miss bread A LOT but something inside me changed i felt like i had this drive like a rush of adrenaline. Then two weeks ago im in the drive through at Starbucks downing a shot of espresso and a thought pops into my head "i wanna write a book, and start a blog" ever since then ive been thinking of doing it just too scared to fail! well times up IM NOT GONNA FAIL IM GONNA WRITE A BOOK AND START A BLOG! Starting with the blogs and ill get to the book one day! So id like to thank Starbucks for making me start this blog!
Some how, Some way im going to change someones life i dont know when, and i dont now how but i will! So please stay tuned and i promise you, we'll get through this together!
DISCLAMER- I am no the best writer, and guess what nothings gonna stop me from trying!
EMAIL- Kelly94x@aol.com
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